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CDG: Rajai Davis Value correct?!

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  • CDG: Rajai Davis Value correct?!

    I'm in 10-team, 5x5 ... Rajai Davis has a value of $16. Am I reading this wrong? He has a value greater than A-Gonz, A-Rod, Yadier, Hanley, and others. Is his CDG value correct?!

  • #2
    The value is just a number derived from his projected stats. Take a look at those and see if they look reasonable to you.


    • #3
      Everything seems about right. Guess I didn't realize he was so "valuable."


      • #4
        Take a look at Rajai Davis' PlayerLink page. It says that his past performance in a 12-team AL-only 5x5 league is $21, so a $16 value in the Custom Draft Guide in a 10-team AL-only league is completely believable.

        The projection going forward is even more bullish on him. Frankly, I think is future playing time is a bit at risk, although who knows whether to allocate it to Snider, Thames or Gose.
        "If you torture data long enough, they will confess." -- Ronald Coase


        • #5
          I noticed his position a few weeks back and scratched my head. I'm assuming it's because of his 5 speed rating?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Hardball006 View Post
            I noticed his position a few weeks back and scratched my head. I'm assuming it's because of his 5 speed rating?
            That feeds the Mayberry score, but not the $ value.

