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2024 Content

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  • 2024 Content

    Ray - I am assuming that next week the email version of the 2024 Baseball Forecaster will be coming out as usual for Gold members. When do you think you will start with your daily content for 2024? I’m excited for the 2024 season already and to read your daily material. Thank you.

  • #2
    Focused on getting the Forecaster finished up this week... PDF will be available on Wednesday. Haven't had a chance to look at the content plan yet, but safe to say some stuff will fire up the week after Thanksgiving.


    • #3
      Not that I am anxious or anything, but does anyone know the timing of the PDF release tomorrow?


      • #4
        I'm aiming for early, but any number of things can stretch that out. I'll keep updated here as best I can.


        • #5
          Massive undertaking. Amazing that you can release it tomorrow at all. Thank you.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ckids View Post
            Massive undertaking. Amazing that you can release it tomorrow at all. Thank you.
            100% agree but also so THANKFUL!!
            Mossbay Baseball Association - est. 1990
            20 team, mixed, 5X5, keeper league


            • #7
              It's out, link on the home page. If you have a standing order for BF24, you should have access there.


              • #8
                Ray, thank you to you and the entire HQ team that sacrifices a lot of time away from your family to get this in our hands every year on this day.
                All I want out of life is that when I walk down the street, folks will say, "There goes the greatest hitter who ever lived."

                Ted Williams


                • #9
                  Happy Thanksgiving and a big THANKYOU!! to the HQ crew. So valued each and every year!
                  Mossbay Baseball Association - est. 1990
                  20 team, mixed, 5X5, keeper league


                  • #10
                    loved the online Forecaster timing, as always.

                    are hard copy books arriving already, or soon?

                    I ask because I live in a mid-rise condo building, and already the lobby looks like Santa's workshop after the Christmas party !
                    and the piles won't be getting any smaller this month.

                    so won't bother scavenging if it's not there yet

                    NL 11-team 5x5 auction keeper. no bench, limited 'free' moves #oldschool
                    our owners have a combined 340 or so years of experience in this 42-year-old league


                    • #11
                      It's not there. We expect them to start shipping late this week. We'll send everyone tracking info via email as we get it from the distributor.


                      • #12
                        thanks, Ray !

                        not a big urgency. I'm just in the midst of my weekly team-by-team annual league reviews, and having the book at my side saves me a small amount over time over scrolling PDF on desktop.

                        (my new wrinkle this year is "podium finishes" in the last 10 years. amusing to me how so many owners are really good and really bad at the same categories every year. if you're making money, who cares? if not... hmm)
                        NL 11-team 5x5 auction keeper. no bench, limited 'free' moves #oldschool
                        our owners have a combined 340 or so years of experience in this 42-year-old league


                        • #13
                          Ray - With so many players still trying to find a home - will you have your first set of 2024 projections out sometime around 12/15 or so? Isn't that the normal timeline? Thank you.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Snider View Post
                            Ray - With so many players still trying to find a home - will you have your first set of 2024 projections out sometime around 12/15 or so? Isn't that the normal timeline? Thank you.
                            If you want to send a note to Ray, why not send a note to Ray rather than all of us.
                            The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


                            • #15
                              Mexipat - I have been a long time Gold member and subscriber of BHQ. Ray has been the person who has historically answered my questions. This is the way I have communicated with him and the people at BHQ in the past. I don't have Ray's personal information (do you??) so this forum is how I have gotten my questions answered. If this is of no interest to you - then don't read it,

