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What new features did the Upgrade bring us?

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  • #76
    I'll also bite! What is a subscription and what happens if I click on "subscribe when posting"? And while I'm at it, after I open a forum topic and then go back to the "what's new" home page, that topic has disappeared. How can I keep that topic from immediately disappearing?


    • #77
      Subscription just gives you 'notification' (either in the top bar above, or via email if you have that said) when there is a new post in a topic you've subscribed to.

      "What's New" is only going to show threads that have entries in them since you last visited the thread. So if you click "What's new", then go into a thread, then "What's New" again, the thread you visited in between won't be in the "What's New" list the 2nd time you click it. I find that using the back button (rather than cicking "What's new" the 2nd time) to go back to your original "What's new" list is one way to get around that.


      • #78
        I do use the back button; only click on "What's new" when I first enter the forum.


        • #79
          Huh, that's weird. I get mixed behavior with back button... sometimes the items are gone, sometimes there's still in the list but no longer bolded after I've read them.


          • #80
            So I've turned off the autosubscribe feature. Any way to 'mass delete' existing subscriptions? I'm almost to 60 pages.
            "The problem with quotes found on the internet is that it is nearly impossible to verify the source." - Abraham Lincoln


            • #81
              Originally posted by bankerboy View Post
              So I've turned off the autosubscribe feature. Any way to 'mass delete' existing subscriptions? I'm almost to 60 pages.
              I don't think you have to go back that far. If you delete the first page or two of subscriptions, the vast majority of the threads older than that won't get bumped again.


              • #82
                Originally posted by RAY@HQ View Post
                Huh, that's weird. I get mixed behavior with back button... sometimes the items are gone, sometimes there's still in the list but no longer bolded after I've read them.
                Yes! I've had the same experience. Seems odd.


                • #83
                  Any progress in getting the "mark channels read" bar at the bottom of all the forum pages? Almost have become used to backtracking to the home page every time. Almost.


                  • #84
                    Too many other fires burning lately, sorry. I'd like to take another look, for sure, but it might be after Opening Day the way things are going.


                    • #85
                      Is there a tutorial anywhere on here to help navigate these forums now Ray? Was a change necessitated? Is this the final product? I always welcome change but man, I hate seeing the forums format change. The old forum is what separated BHQ from the Rotoworlds types.
                      "it appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds"

                      NL 10 team Roto $260 ($360 in season) budget 22 active (13 offense & 9 pitchers) 5x5
                      Mixed 14 team Roto $260 ($360 in season) budget 23 active (14 offense & 9 pitchers) 5x5


                      • #86
                        A month or so past the upgrade here, I actually don't think it's that different than it used to be. I'm still looking for opportunities to tweak (as noted above, I'll revisit after Opening Day), but I don't think I'm going to find anything revolutionary.


                        • #87
                          Anyone else finding that “mark channels read” is not marking channels read? Maybe just a safari/iPad thing? I just cycled through it three times and ought to see something like “no new posts”, but instead see the same persisting threads.


                          • #88
                            for me personally, it's just like any other "tech upgrade" out there in my universe - I nearly always find it slightly less convenient than before, but hey I make it work.

                            NL 11-team 5x5 auction keeper. no bench, limited 'free' moves #oldschool
                            our owners have a combined 340 or so years of experience in this 42-year-old league


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by usualsuspects View Post
                              Anyone else finding that “mark channels read” is not marking channels read? Maybe just a safari/iPad thing? I just cycled through it three times and ought to see something like “no new posts”, but instead see the same persisting threads.
                              It is working perfectly for me. I use Chrome.
                              The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by usualsuspects View Post
                                Anyone else finding that “mark channels read” is not marking channels read? Maybe just a safari/iPad thing? I just cycled through it three times and ought to see something like “no new posts”, but instead see the same persisting threads.
                                Safari/iPad here too, and it works. But there’s a timer involved. If you check right after clicking it, it looks as if it didn’t work. A minute later it shows it did work.

                                Click it and move on, trust that it worked.
                       / @NickRichardsHQ

