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What new features did the Upgrade bring us?

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  • #61
    That's not it. When I click "Mark all channels read," what it does is eliminate any post from appearing when you click "what's new."

    What I'm referring to is when all unread channels are showing when I click "What's New." Then, when I click on the double arrows, it takes me to the last post, not the last unread post. So I have to scroll back to find the other posts I have not read yet. In the previous version, when you clicked "Unread posts," it took you to your last unread post.


    • #62
      "Mark all channels read" affects both of those things.

      Yes, it clears the 'what's new' list, because it's marking every thread in the forums as if you have actually read everything. Within each subforum, it's also taking away the blue indicator indicating unread posts.

      It is ALSO essentially putting the point at which you've read up to, in each and every thread, at the (current) end of the thread. So after clicking 'mark all channels read', if a thread gets updated, and you go to 'what's new' and see that thread and click on the blue icon, you're going to be brought to the very last (newest) post in the thread, because that's the only 'new' one since you clicked 'mark all channels read', regardless of what point in the thread you had actually read up to.

      (This is the same way 'mark all as read' worked pre-upgrade, too.)


      • #63
        Originally posted by RAY@HQ View Post
        "Mark all channels read" affects both of those things.

        Yes, it clears the 'what's new' list, because it's marking every thread in the forums as if you have actually read everything. Within each subforum, it's also taking away the blue indicator indicating unread posts.

        It is ALSO essentially putting the point at which you've read up to, in each and every thread, at the (current) end of the thread. So after clicking 'mark all channels read', if a thread gets updated, and you go to 'what's new' and see that thread and click on the blue icon, you're going to be brought to the very last (newest) post in the thread, because that's the only 'new' one since you clicked 'mark all channels read', regardless of what point in the thread you had actually read up to.

        (This is the same way 'mark all as read' worked pre-upgrade, too.)
        Not sure if it is just working for some and not others but I have already marked all threads read, using what's new, and the arrows to go to the latest unread post and it just always brings me to the last post of the thread. I've already gotten used to it and just scroll back up to make sure I read everything but obviously I would prefer if this were functioning for the way it used to before the update.


        • #64
          Originally posted by RAY@HQ View Post
          "Mark all channels read" affects both of those things.

          Yes, it clears the 'what's new' list, because it's marking every thread in the forums as if you have actually read everything. Within each subforum, it's also taking away the blue indicator indicating unread posts.

          It is ALSO essentially putting the point at which you've read up to, in each and every thread, at the (current) end of the thread. So after clicking 'mark all channels read', if a thread gets updated, and you go to 'what's new' and see that thread and click on the blue icon, you're going to be brought to the very last (newest) post in the thread, because that's the only 'new' one since you clicked 'mark all channels read', regardless of what point in the thread you had actually read up to.

          (This is the same way 'mark all as read' worked pre-upgrade, too.)
          Sorry, doesn't work that way for me. For example, when I opened up this thread, both you and Bohm had responded (since the last time I clicked "Mark all channels read", which I did for the first time earlier today to see what it did). This thread appeared in "what's new" with two posts. In this thread, it took me to Bohm's Post #63, rather than your post #62, which I had not read. IN this case, it was only one away, so easy to scroll back to where we left off. If there are multiple posts however, it is painful to scroll through a bunch of unread posts to see where you left off the conversation.

          Sounds like Bohm having the same problem. I can live with it, but it is not ideal, and a minus compared to the previous version.

          I wonder if it has anything to do with sign-ins/logins. For some reason yesterday, HQ forums did not recognize my signin, and I had to reset my password to get in. Happened again today. Is it possible that it is not recognizing my user name on the forums and thus not re-setting to last unread post of that user name?


          • #65
            Login issues wouldn't be related to what's read/not, unless you did some reading while you weren't logged in (only in the forums you can see while not logged in.)

            When you go to the 'what's new' list, what specifically are you clicking to move into the thread you want to read?

            I clicked into this one from the Whats New list, using the blue circle, and was brought to Bohm's post. And then I scrolled down to see yours.


            • #66
              Originally posted by RAY@HQ View Post
              Login issues wouldn't be related to what's read/not, unless you did some reading while you weren't logged in (only in the forums you can see while not logged in.)

              When you go to the 'what's new' list, what specifically are you clicking to move into the thread you want to read?

              I clicked into this one from the Whats New list, using the blue circle, and was brought to Bohm's post. And then I scrolled down to see yours.
              Well now I feel like a dope. I was not clicking the blue circle, I was clicking the blue arrows in the last post section! This is working for me now haha


              • #67
                Same here. I was clicking first the thread, then the two arrows to the right (which is what I thought the previous instruction was), and always came to last post. But it is the two arrows pointing down in the circle that takes you to first unread post, I didn't even see that circle.

                Problem fixed! Just not intuitive, nor obvious, and small (the circle). But now I know what to do.



                • #68
                  Yeah, I called them arrows earlier, so I'm definitely responsible for that confusion. Glad you're both all set! On to the next issue...

                  (And yes, I wish the circle was bigger...)


                  • #69
                    Well, I'm glad it's not just me! I'm sure this will all get straightened out. And there's no better time to do it than the offseason.


                    • #70
                      I really did try to find the answer myself...

                      How do I turn off notifications for threads I have subscribed to? For that matter, how do I turn off subscribe to threads I've responded to? I don't see either option on the User Settings | Notification page.


                      • #71
                        You can turn it off within a thread at the top right of the first page, above the first post. There's either a checkmark with the word 'subscribed', or the option to "+subscribe".

                        Under User Settings, Notifications, I have options to 'automatically subscribe' when I post in a thread, which I have turned off. That should stop new subscriptions.

                        For old ones, go to Your Profile/Subscribed/Edit Subscribed, and you can turn off notifications on all recent threads.


                        • #72
                          I had already found that "automatically subscribe" option and unchecked it. It was getting rid of the old subscriptions -- which didn't seem to be bothersome on the old version -- that was problematic. Thanks, Ray!


                          • #73
                            Yeah, I’m having that same problem with old subscriptions too. Definitely annoying.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by RAY@HQ View Post
                              You can turn it off within a thread at the top right of the first page, above the first post. There's either a checkmark with the word 'subscribed', or the option to "+subscribe".

                              Under User Settings, Notifications, I have options to 'automatically subscribe' when I post in a thread, which I have turned off. That should stop new subscriptions.

                              For old ones, go to Your Profile/Subscribed/Edit Subscribed, and you can turn off notifications on all recent threads.
                              I'll bite, where does one find "User Settings"? (asking for a friend)
                              NL 11-team 5x5 auction keeper. no bench, limited 'free' moves #oldschool
                              our owners have a combined 340 or so years of experience in this 42-year-old league


                              • #75
                                Click the little down arrow/triangle under your name at the top right.

