Houston (Pasadena, Clear Lake area) area league potentially looking for 2-4 replacement owners; we had a small group of owners that left the league after the 2016 season. The new owners may have been a swing and a miss... They are potentially dead teams.
League is in it's 9th season; 10-team mixed league. It's always been a semi-casual league. Weekly free agent/waiver claims. Daily roster changes available though streaming discouraged by IP/GP limits. Season-long 5x5: HR, RBI, SB, R, OBP, QS, SV, ERA, WHIP, K. Traditional roster positions. Keeper league with live auction ($260 salary cap, face-to-face and videoconference). Keepers have salary increase by $5. Teams may keep as many players as desired up to $160 total pre-auction salary. Yahoo league management system.
I know it may jump to mind with the league turnover we had... The group that left was not any sort of internal league conflict; they were all friends and were hanging in there as owners until one decided to leave finally... domino effect. They all have/had other things going on that pulled them away from the league: one adjusting to parenthood, one with a promotion and increased travel at work, one adjusting to post-college/new career life, and one had other significant home stuff going on.
If interested, please email me at cmduke@yahoo.com.