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BaseballHQ Night for RiverBats at Clippers?

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  • FWDragon72
    Well, so far we have thumbs up from Kep, Doug, TMac, and me. I know there are other HQ Reds fans who might want to join us. We'll see what kind of response we get and decide how to do the tickets. I think it will be a lot of fun.

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  • TMac
    I'm up for it. Doubt we'll have trouble getting tickets to an April game.

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  • KEP
    This is also being discussed in the Reds' thread. Sounds like fun.

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  • FWDragon72
    started a topic BaseballHQ Night for RiverBats at Clippers?

    BaseballHQ Night for RiverBats at Clippers?

    It might be fun for us Reds fan HQers to gather together and watch the Reds AAA RiverBats play the Columbus Clippers. The ballpark is top notch and it would be a nice opportunity for some of us to put faces with names and get to know each other. There's a series in April, then not again until over the 4th of July weekend, when other personal plans may get in the way. Given some may be driving from Dayton or Cincinnati, the best shot would be Friday April 22 (7:05 pm). If there's a critical mass of interest, we can either buy tickets ahead and reimburse the purchaser at the game or just meet at the park and buy tickets together then. Is there any interest?