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  • Blogging

    To the mods - if this email is inappropriate I apologize in advance.

    Hi guys,

    Wanted to do some shameless self promotion and let you know that I'm now blogging at

    Those of you who have read my notes on Facebook ( should already have a good sense for the type of material.

    I'll be focusing on personal development in business with an emphasis on people who are working their way up the bottom of the corporate ladder.

    Hope you'll join me there. I expect to put out at least one article every two weeks.

    Check out my blog on personal development at

  • #2
    Might be interesting to have a "holding pen" of HQ bloggers of all types - kind of a "click in" option almost like satellite radio where everyone can ignore it all unless they seek out such material.

    Perhaps good for all...
    NL 12-team 5x5 auction keeper. no bench, limited 'free' moves #oldschool
    our owners have a combined 292 years of experience in this 36-year-old league that is being cryogenically frozen until spring 2021.
    a redraft, no-transaction "race to the finish" served as our 2020 entertainment


    • #3
      I know in the past that the moderators have not allowed someone to be plugging their own website or blog regarding baseball in their signature that appears in each post. I don't see any harm in this thread but perhaps others will feel differently.

      Good luck with your new blog, Jon.
      "Profanity provided no solace." -- Colson Whitehead

