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Seeking Mid-Season Owner

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  • maisany
    We Found An Owner

    Sorry, I should've updated this sooner. We found a replacement owner via the respondents here. Thanks to everyone who responded.

    I just realized: now, half the owners in our league are HQ subscribers.

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  • dan
    Originally posted by maisany View Post
    We're a long-standing (25 years for one of the founders, and 24 years for me; several other owners in double-digit membership), 10 team AL only 6x6 league (standard 5x5 plus OBP and Losses).

    We have an owner (he's currently in 9th place) who is retiring at the end of the season, but he's agreed to give up the reins at mid-season, prior to our trade deadline (early August, depending upon the MLB deadline), to give a new owner a chance to get an early start to shape his team for 2011.

    You'll have a chance to cobble together some dump trades (we have an in-season salary cap of $300, standard $260 draft budget, so you've got $40 of cap room to work with the other owners) and put yourself in the driver's seat for next year's draft.

    We're looking for someone local (we're in NYC), but we have a couple of owners who are not, so if you are not, it's not an automatic disqualifier. If you've played in AL auction leagues before, then that's probably a plus. We're just looking for a reasonable guy who will be a long-term owner and add more dynamism to to league. We're also looking for someone who's not looking to add a 25th team to the 24 other leagues he's already in.

    If you're interested, get in touch with me via the HQ forum private msgs and I'll get back to you with more details.
    I'm interested; I'm in 1 AL and 1 NL league (the NL I share) as well as 2 others that are straight draft leagues and mean nothing to me. We have spoken thru this sight I think once or twice I believe and I was in the HQ pre-season draft this year. I'm interested live on Long Island and work in the city.


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  • catman2
    Interested i the league. BB HQ subscriber since 2003. Kindly send details.


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  • roto rooter
    As an owner in the league looking for the opening, I just wanted to add:

    1. It's a friendly, good group of guys. Serious but not cutthroat.
    2. Four owners are BHQ, and all but two are fairly sharp. The owner leaving has been the weakest link.
    3. As noted above, coming on board now gives you a chance to get the team set up to compete in 2011. You'd have Mauer, Pena, Wigginton, Granderson among others to deal and a few nice keepers already in place for 2011 (A. Jackson $5, Callaspo $1, J. Guillen $1, Brantly $1, Rauch $10 plus Martin Perez and Tanner Scheppers on the farm).

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  • maisany
    started a topic Seeking Mid-Season Owner

    Seeking Mid-Season Owner

    We're a long-standing (25 years for one of the founders, and 24 years for me; several other owners in double-digit membership), 10 team AL only 6x6 league (standard 5x5 plus OBP and Losses).

    We have an owner (he's currently in 9th place) who is retiring at the end of the season, but he's agreed to give up the reins at mid-season, prior to our trade deadline (early August, depending upon the MLB deadline), to give a new owner a chance to get an early start to shape his team for 2011.

    You'll have a chance to cobble together some dump trades (we have an in-season salary cap of $300, standard $260 draft budget, so you've got $40 of cap room to work with the other owners) and put yourself in the driver's seat for next year's draft.

    We're looking for someone local (we're in NYC), but we have a couple of owners who are not, so if you are not, it's not an automatic disqualifier. If you've played in AL auction leagues before, then that's probably a plus. We're just looking for a reasonable guy who will be a long-term owner and add more dynamism to to league. We're also looking for someone who's not looking to add a 25th team to the 24 other leagues he's already in.

    If you're interested, get in touch with me via the HQ forum private msgs and I'll get back to you with more details.