
I'm in an NL league in the San Francisco Bay Area. The league has been around for at least the past 20 years. We are a bunch of easy going owners who love baseball. This is easily the best league I've ever been a part of. We had two people drop out at the last minute and are in desperate need of two more owners to jump in the fray.

The league has 12 owners:
-Auction style
-Standard 5 x 5 league
-Keeper league
-Can draft minor league players
-Live in person draft (March 28th)

-League dues are 30 per owner. $17.50 of the 30 dollars goes into a pot for the league's top 3 winners, and the other 12.50 dollars pays for the stat service (CBS Sportsline).

What we want from you:
You don't have to be a fantasy genius, but someone who follows baseball, and is willing to learn.

Be an active owner. The worst thing that can happen to a league is an owner who doesn't follow his team. i.e. 5 dl's players, and hasn't made a move since the draft.

If you are interested in joining a fun-loving group of fantasy-league addicts in an established league, please email the commish @ SFFantasyLeague@aol.com