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The New BHQ!

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  • #91
    The old RSS feeds don't work anymore, but there are RSS feed icons at the bottom of all article pages/sections on the new site so you can re-subscribe.


    • #92
      New Site - Printing Options Please

      Love the new site and always have enjoyed your content. I would really love it if you could offer different options for printing on each article:
      1. Full Print - as it appears on the screen
      2. Print without Images - would print without the large (2 x 3 inch) picture
      3. Print without images or comments - would contain the base article only.

      Currently whenever I print, the images take one half a page and if comments given, it could add another half page plus. The print only uses two thirds of the page. Also, when printing pictures (even if only printing black & white), more ink is used.

      Thanks for listening. I love baseballhq. Sincerely, Tools of Ignorance


      • #93
        If you use Safari, they have the "Reader" option which formats the page to just bring you the text without pictures (or menu items or ads, etc.) That would print clean.

        Not sure if this exists for other browsers, but I'll bet Firefox has a similar extension available. / @NickRichardsHQ


        • #94
          We will work on printer-friendly options going forward.


          • #95
            Originally posted by RAY@HQ View Post
            The old RSS feeds don't work anymore, but there are RSS feed icons at the bottom of all article pages/sections on the new site so you can re-subscribe.
            Actually, RSS still isn't working. If you resubscribe via the link to the new feed at the bottom of the home page (I don't see it on the other pages), you still don't get any of the new articles.


            • #96
              Thanks, I've since become aware of that. It's on our punchlist. Sorry for the delay.


              • #97
                how do you change your usernaem

                i got into a couple leagues with fellow BBHQers and I dont need them recognizing me when I'm asking questions

                any help here?

                i've changed my avatar but can't find a sport to change usename



                • #98
                  I recall that Ray has changed subscribers' user names on the forums before, but I'm not sure how he has done it.
                  "If you torture data long enough, they will confess." -- Ronald Coase


                  • #99
                    The new site looks good, nice, etc.

                    However IMHO ... clunky and not as easy or convenient as the old format in finding new articles and going back to the old articles. i know its early, but so far miss the old layout ...


                    • I have noticed more "spam posts" showing up in the forums. Not a bid deal just annoying.


                      • Originally posted by BC96 View Post
                        I have noticed more "spam posts" showing up in the forums. Not a bid deal just annoying.
                        Yeah, we're working on securing ourselves from these, and deleting as they pop up in the meantime. Hopefully a short-term annoyance.


                        • Originally posted by Brainiac View Post
                          how do you change your usernaem

                          i got into a couple leagues with fellow BBHQers and I dont need them recognizing me when I'm asking questions

                          any help here?

                          i've changed my avatar but can't find a sport to change usename

                          Send me a PM with your email address and what you want your name changed to. I can take care of it.


                          • Originally posted by BC96 View Post
                            I have noticed more "spam posts" showing up in the forums. Not a bid deal just annoying.
                            The moderators have been trying to stomp them out promptly. They seem to be restricted to the Unclassified Ads forum.
                            "If you torture data long enough, they will confess." -- Ronald Coase


                            • Originally posted by OleBamaDude View Post
                              I spent several hours tonight and think the new site is pretty terrific. Much more sensible arrangement. Navigation will be a breeze. Looks like nothing has been lost in the transition either, though I still have some places to go. Great job guys! Congratulations are certainly in order.
                              Ditto! Well done!
                              12-team, 5x5, mixed, auction: 14b/11p/15 bench (any)


                              • I'm not sold on this new site yet. What I always liked about HQ was it was meat and potatoes, not fluff. Every other website was fluff with less meat. Why do we need a picture of a player which causes us to have to scroll down the page for the meat? We all know what player's look like. I liked the old site where I clicked to HQ and had all the recent articles were listed in date order from top to bottom. I could do what I had to do in minimal time. I loved this site because the info was right there. This new site is now like all the others where you have to parse through worthless info to find what was so easy before. Seriously, every time I click to the site my blood pressure goes up because all I see is a big ole headline with a picture of a player. I don't want pictures. We are serious fantasy players on this site. Just give me the info.

