Wasn't exactly sure which forum to ask this question in so I ended up here
My auction is Saturday and I usually do my final projections printing and prepping Friday night to be sure I have the most up to date projections with the most known information on playing time etc. With our auction actually being after opening day this year will there be much change in the projections after Thursday or I guess my question really is at what point will they be pretty set? Will there be a drastic difference between the projections tonight vs. Thursday night vs. Friday night?

My auction is Saturday and I usually do my final projections printing and prepping Friday night to be sure I have the most up to date projections with the most known information on playing time etc. With our auction actually being after opening day this year will there be much change in the projections after Thursday or I guess my question really is at what point will they be pretty set? Will there be a drastic difference between the projections tonight vs. Thursday night vs. Friday night?