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HQ Forums Upgrade - July 2010

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  • HQ Forums Upgrade - July 2010

    Hi Folks -

    Brought our forums into 2010 by upgrading our software.

    This is going to give us the opportunity to further integrate the forums into BHQ and utilize new features, such as integration with facebook!

    Please pardon our dust as we tweak and modify the look and feel of the forums over the coming days.

    Please post any questions, comments, or suggestions here!


  • #2
    Change is usually good

    However, one of the really friendly things about the previous forums was the feature that took readers to the 1st new post of a thread. I am probably technologically challenged but I can't find this feature. I hope we don't have to wade through all the pages of threads to find the latest posts.
    "In this world, Elwood, you must be" - she always called me Elwood - "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."


    • #3
      I have a feeling this may have gotten somehow reset with the upgrade... can you let me know once you start viewing threads if it starts happening again?


      • #4
        Originally posted by jtownjohn View Post
        However, one of the really friendly things about the previous forums was the feature that took readers to the 1st new post of a thread. I am probably technologically challenged but I can't find this feature. I hope we don't have to wade through all the pages of threads to find the latest posts.
        Use the circle icon next to the thread title, rather than clicking on the thread title itself. Seems to be working.


        • #5
          Thanks Ray

          You are right it's working. I just didn't know and couldn't figure out what the correct icon was.
          "In this world, Elwood, you must be" - she always called me Elwood - "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."


          • #6
            I tried to express my amazement somewhere else, but not sure if it registered.
            I'll try to speak for those who didn't figure out their login (took me several tries), so that they can't express the obvious.....

            Why would this site possibly do this the week of the trading deadline?

            The worst possible weeks would be:
            - week before the season
            - first week of the season
            - two weeks before the season
            - week of the trading deadline

            That leaves 48 other weeks to choose from.....

            Not digging the change of style, either.......
            NL 11-team 5x5 auction keeper. no bench, limited 'free' moves #oldschool
            our owners have a combined 340 or so years of experience in this 42-year-old league


            • #7
              I am guessing there is a connection to the forum upgrade since I am a rotopass subscriber. I can no longer access my MACK teams.


              • #8
                Not Impressed

                I hate, hate, hate the new format. I hope that the problem is the page is not compatible with Firefox, because this is really bad. It is much harder to navigate. Almost unusable given the added effort required. I may need to find another site's forum to replace this one. The old forum was one of the best parts of BaseballHQ.


                • #9
                  What specifically are the problems you're seeing, Red? I'm using Firefox (3.6.8) and it's just fine.

                  Give us some time to get it optimized, though.


                  • #10

                    I am using Firefox 3.6.8 -- the same as you. The biggest problem for me is having to scroll through so much to find the same information that was on one concise page in the old forum. Way too much vertical real estate is spent on header info about the user at the start of each post in the thread. It takes a lot more effort from the person reading the thread. The old forum was concise and easy to find what you wanted quickly.

                    Unless somehow the light goes on and I learn to like this by the end of the season, this is annoying enough to make me drop my Gold4.
                    Last edited by Red; 07-27-2010, 08:03 PM.


                    • #11
                      Thanks Red, that helps.

                      Again, it's the first day of the upgrade. We're still figuring out what can be configured and how. Please don't rush to judgment.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by RAY@HQ View Post
                        Use the circle icon next to the thread title, rather than clicking on the thread title itself. Seems to be working.
                        I just clicked into this thread and it automatically took me to this post instead of the first one.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by billybill8 View Post
                          I am guessing there is a connection to the forum upgrade since I am a rotopass subscriber. I can no longer access my MACK teams.
                          Caught a bug! Could you give it another shot? Sorry about that.


                          • #14
                            Regarding the header... it is a bit larger than normal as I have an announcement about the new design, but besides that, I don't notice too much of an increase. Is there something in particular that appears larger?

                            I've been viewing the site in Firefox 3.6.6 and Chrome. If something looks very abnormal, could you take a screen shot and send it to us?

                            I understand the frustration with change, but one of our goals is to always maintain our technological edge while providing the service and content our subscribers have grown to love, and expect. As with any technology change, we'll have growing pains... but we're working through it. Any specific feedback and targeted recommendations is welcomed.


                            • #15
                              Absolutely hideous change. Unattractive. Static. Ugly. A really awful time to institute a new look. It looks like something I would design and I have no design experience.
                              Please go back to the old forums.
                              I don't know that I will stay on if it stays like this.
                              why would you do this? things were just fine.
                              I agree with Red and I've been with you a long time.
                              "I've a good mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it."... Groucho

