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Political4 talk

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  • Political4 talk

    to the editor's of HQ.
    i come here to get away from the real world.
    To talk and read about baseball.
    Can we please stop with the political stuff on the Twitter feed, please !!!!!!!!!
    Enough already !!!!!

  • #2
    it was pretty brutal today (and it doesn't matter the lean; I'm an independent).
    Last edited by Howie M; 04-02-2021, 10:51 PM.
    NL 11-team 5x5 auction keeper. no bench, limited 'free' moves #oldschool
    our owners have a combined 340 or so years of experience in this 42-year-old league


    • #3
      So would the Braves have to move their playoff games out of Georgia .. Worlds Series? Millions lost...


      • #4
        MLB made a major political statement today. Inevitable that it was going to get talked about. Sorry if you don’t like it, but we are human beings with opinions and the right to express them. I’m pretty quick to take the Twitter box off the site when the feed is getting political, but I wasn’t around to do that today.


        • #5
          Ray has made sure that the Forums are "clean." You don't need to be on Twitter. I don't follow the HQ twitter feed.


          • #6
            I subscribe for baseball and fantasy baseball talk. Blessing needs to be removed from HQ platform until he desists from political posturing, Bob


            • #7
              Ray does a great job keeping the Forums on point. Twitter is a different animal. Anyone can tweet at the HQ handle and there's no way to prevent it without actually blocking individual users. And you can't delete someone else's tweet. Twitter lets you hide conversations that you're not interested in, as well as muting users you don't want to see.


              • #8
                but Blessing is an HQ writer and he knows political talk is off limits


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bowi8son View Post
                  but Blessing is an HQ writer and he knows political talk is off limits
                  It's his personal twitter account. Do you advocate all employers regulate their employees' speech or just the baseball ones? You do not have to read anyone's political tweets.

                  I am more offended by your apparent zeal to go after someone's job here than any political tweet I may have personally disagreed with over the past year following Baseball HQ writers on twitter.


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by RABohms View Post
                      It's his personal twitter account. Do you advocate all employers regulate their employees' speech or just the baseball ones? You do not have to read anyone's political tweets.

                      I am more offended by your apparent zeal to go after someone's job here than any political tweet I may have personally disagreed with over the past year following Baseball HQ writers on twitter.
                      Perfect response. Thank you.
                      The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


                      • #12
                        there's a hefty disconnect here. even if you don't follow a writer on Twitter, the rants arrive, unasked for, on the right side of the main screen here.

                        the solution is for subscribers to be able to block that function.

                        well, I also think it's crazy to have @HQ Twitter accounts filled with political bile. it's easy enough to create a second Twitter account for that - no free speech issues there. and that would be his personal account. this is hardly unusual.

                        now, will 99 pct of those who follow the baseball stuff be uninterested in making a second follow? probably. but wouldn't that be telling information about whether it's productive?
                        NL 11-team 5x5 auction keeper. no bench, limited 'free' moves #oldschool
                        our owners have a combined 340 or so years of experience in this 42-year-old league


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by RABohms View Post
                          It's his personal twitter account. Do you advocate all employers regulate their employees' speech or just the baseball ones? You do not have to read anyone's political tweets.

                          I am more offended by your apparent zeal to go after someone's job here than any political tweet I may have personally disagreed with over the past year following Baseball HQ writers on twitter.
                          I think what he was advocating is not that anybody lose their job, just that personal tweets not be admixed with baseball tweets on a baseball site.

                          I mean, if somebody who worked for Schwab tweeted out half perfect stock tips and half bondage porn they probably would not put it on the front of their corporate web site. Or maybe they would, Wall Street being what it is. Either way, why bother to be personally offended by something which doesn’t involve you at all?


                          • #14
                            I didn't see the original Twitter thread, but I see that Blessing deleted his tweet, and also tweeted some kind of explanation on how his original tweet was misunderstood. So the tweet, along with all its replies, is gone. Probably, he'll be more circumspect next time about where he expresses certain opinions, if only to avoid raising a stink.

