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Braun and His Failed PED/Prohibited Substance Test

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  • Braun and His Failed PED/Prohibited Substance Test

    Not even sure this is the right place to ask the question... Nonetheless, I realize that there aren't "regular" columns posted during the off-season, and thus, I don't come to the site very often until things start getting ramped up, so to speak. But, Braun gets busted for a failed prohibited substance test a week ago and I don't think I've seen a single column, or even a single paragraph, from any of your writers on the subject. Have I missed something?

  • #2
    There have been at least two long Forum threads on the topic, both of which have tons of comment from HQ staff. As for why there's been no formal discussion in a column or article, I can't say for sure because I'm not an NL commentator or editor. But if I were, I'd figure any comment on Braun for fantasy purposes is extremely premature given how little we actually know about the situation, especially with regard to his appeal. For anyone drafting very soon, before that process is complete, I'd recommend: Don't use a high pick or 30 bucks on Braun -- too risky.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    'Put Marvin Miller in the Hall of Fame!'


    • #3
      First, there are plenty of regular columns during the offseason... just weekly, not daily. We alluded to Braun's situation in PT Today last Friday. As for why it hasn't been written up more fully, that's because it hasn't been resolved yet. He's not actually suspended yet. Once a ruling is made, we'll react accordingly in terms of coverage, and in terms of his projection (which right now reflects a full-season of availability).

      Remember, this information was leaked, and if ESPN hadn't reported it, we wouldn't know about it yet. There's been no official ruling from MLB. That's what we're waiting for.

