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need access to old SP analysis PQS matching

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  • need access to old SP analysis PQS matching

    where is it?????

    the dom/dis stuff??

  • #2
    The PQS Logs (including DOM and DIS) are in "Pitching Logs" on the main page, under "Player Projections." Old logs are in "Data Archives."

    Is that what you're looking for? I'd prefer two extra words over five extra question marks.


    • #3
      I think he is asking for the dom/dis analysis you did in the buyer guide a month or

      a month or so back..

      the one where you analyze the likely hood of dominant or dis outings against certain teams...

      I, too, would like to find it.

      --> ?

      (note, just one question mark)


      • #4
        You can find archives of Buyers Guides in the "Command Center," at the top of the main page. There are only three active links to the archives at any time, but you can keep resetting the URL by one week until you find what you need. (That's how *I* use it!)

        I think that the column that you seek is here: (scroll down to my column)

        FYI, I have not dropped the idea of forecasting individual starts. I'm working on a programmatic way to put the data on the web. If you have any feedback, I'm happy to hear it. Writers can rarely tell which articles strike a chord with people other than ourselves.


