Since the new web site has launched, I really appreciate the clean look and the ease of navigation for current articles. I am struggling however to find older articles and for this I think the site could do better - the old format wasn't great either, but if you found an article that is a month old, at least it still contained links to older articles. So first a question: Is there a place where older articles go to hide?
A current example; with Madson's injury I'd really like to go back to the older Bullpen articles to see the commentary on Cincinnati's Plan B, etc. But today I go to Bullpens and the six articles are all sleepers, gambles, $1 flyers and such. The more substantive articles are older and yet only a few weeks back. If there is no archive or link to these past articles, I would find the value of the site much reduced as I am generally not so flush with time that I can keep track of this stuff real-team and comprehensively.
Thank you.
A current example; with Madson's injury I'd really like to go back to the older Bullpen articles to see the commentary on Cincinnati's Plan B, etc. But today I go to Bullpens and the six articles are all sleepers, gambles, $1 flyers and such. The more substantive articles are older and yet only a few weeks back. If there is no archive or link to these past articles, I would find the value of the site much reduced as I am generally not so flush with time that I can keep track of this stuff real-team and comprehensively.
Thank you.